How long do septic systems last?

Septic systems are main components of every residential establishment. Septic systems provide treatment of waste water generated by the home. If you want an efficient and sanitary area, you have to work hard at keeping your septic system flowing smoothly. The septic system’s longevity depends on the maintenance, pumping frequency, usage, soil conditions or type, materials, its components, and surrounding vegetation. For you to be sure that you’re … Read more

How to clean a leach field?

It was show and tell day at school. Your daughter loved that day, it was the one day where she could share some of the things she was interested in. You had the same experience when you were young and it really made you proud every time she exerted effort in bringing something or inviting someone into school. There was a time when you saw her bring a stick that she … Read more

How to clean a drain field

You have always wondered how the septic system has found its way into residential construction all over the world. Invented in the 1500’s The cesspit, septic tank and drain field design was a smart and practical invention that allows the household wastes to be collected, treated and recycled on site. It is installed on your property when your house is located far from the town’s sewage system. … Read more

Can tree roots block or clog leach fields?

A month ago, you decided to go on a tropical vacation with your wife. On the last week of your stay, you get a phone call from your sister who stayed at your house to take care of your children while you were gone. She tells you that she just decided to bring your children to her home for a while because something happened to your home. Your sister assured you … Read more

Sand mound enzymes

When the property owner is advised that he will be required to install a sand mound system instead of a conventional, underground septic system, things get a little more complicated. Typically, conventional septic tanks have been a victim of neglect. The sand mound is installed because of the high water table that the property has to contend with will not allow a conventional underground system. This is … Read more

What causes sand mound smells?

As a sand mound septic system owner, you should be familiar with its design, mechanism, and maintenance. It is chosen by many homeowners because it is supposedly operates free of trouble. Just make sure that you have the correct understanding and take a common sense approach when dealing with a sand mound system. Also known as the raised mound system, the sand mound is comprised of perforated … Read more

How to Restore leach field system drainage

It can really be devastating to wake up one morning only to find out that your drain field leach system is pooling and spewing smelly wastewater into your yard. You know that you just had the system pumped a few days ago. But now, you cannot take a shower or wash your face in the sink because somehow, there is something wrong with your leach field system again. One of the … Read more

Can roots clog my septic system?

Having lots of plants in your yard definitely tells everyone that you are a lover of the environment. It really shows how you care for your lawn, your flowers, your shrubs, and even your trees. You are even very proud of them because you have grown them from when they were just seeds. You germinated them and then transplanted them bit by bit until they were ready … Read more

How Long Do Lateral Lines Last?

Discussing issues about the septic system can be a bit confusing and complicated to anyone who is not interested and or fairly disgusted with the subject matter. It is not a topic that is seen as a regular interest for most people. If septic systems were to be discussed, it is only when the system itself is causing problems or when water or sludge begins leaking from … Read more