Wastewater removal is a task thing that every household and business produces on a daily basis. It contains organic waste, inorganic waste, chemicals, and other toxins that pose a threat to everyone’s health and the surrounding environment. It is very important that wastewater should be treated so that it won’t endanger the surrounding environment, by spreading all kinds of diseases and infections. Communities have really worked hard with the help of their greatest minds to come up with a very efficient way to separate the living environments from the unsafe wastewater. It isn’t enough that a pit is dug up to collect the waste. It has to be a huge vessel that doesn’t allow the untreated, raw sewage to seep through the groundwater or clean water supply. Septic systems were created to help treat wastewater before it reaches the water table. What composes a septic system and how does it all fit together? What role does a a septic tank baffle play in sand mound systems?
The septic system is a well-designed method of collecting and treating wastewater from homes and businesses that have no access to the municipal sewage system. It has an inlet and outlet pipe that helps regulate the flow of wastewater. Its main components are the septic tank and the drain field. Conventional septic systems are installed underneath the ground. This type of septic system is for properties that have soil with normal filtration rates. However, for those whose properties are made up of soil with poor filtration rates (soils that filter too quickly or too slowly), a specialized septic system is needed—the sans mound system.
If you are one of the property owners who have a sand mound as a septic system, you definitely know that your wastewater treatment process involves special care. You have to take good care of your sand mound system and make sure that it works optimally throughout the entire year. Like caring for an ordinary septic system, you have to make sure that your sand mound is regularly pumped out and inspected. You also have to make sure that the construction fabric that lines it is always intact, especially before winter comes. The sand mound system is elevated and is more exposed to the elements. It needs a construction fabric to trap the heat inside. The trapped heat helps the resident bacteria to metabolize or break down the solid waste materials. If you neglect replacing the construction fabric before winter, your sand mound system will freeze over and you will have septic problems all winter. The worst part is that you may not be able to reside in your home until your problem is resolved.
The septic baffles in your sand mound system are vital in making the wastewater treatment process a lot more efficient. You should make sure that you know what role a septic tank baffle plays in maintaining sand mound systems. Doing so will help you keep the entire system optimal. Of course, you have to be in constant communication with your septic expert to see if the septic baffles are working fine all the time. The baffles should be checked every time the sand mound tank is pumped out. It is a fact that the septic baffles usually become rusted through and they stop working. If they are not replaces immediately, the entire sand mound system will malfunction and eventually fail.
The inlet baffle directs the raw sewage downwards so that the wastewater meets the resident anaerobic bacteria immediately. It also makes sure that the wastewater doesn’t flow back into the house or the building. The outlet baffle is installed lower than the inlet baffle. It is responsible for keeping the wastewater inside the tank. It keeps the solid waste inside and prevents it from flowing out into the soil absorption system. The baffles also have bacteria growing on them. These bacteria aid in treating the effluent that passes through them especially when the wastewater overflows. If ever the baffles need replacement, PVC tees are ideal because they won’t be rusted through anymore, preventing possible sand mound problems in the future.