The contemporary world was born when everything was mostly synthetic already. Man has dedicated himself to creating things that he has always dreamed of. He never tires in coming up with new concepts and new products that he thinks could improve the status of the world that he lives in. One way man made advancements was with government housing grease trap chemicals.
A myriad of developments pushed through as technology evolved through the years. One of the greatest milestones that ever materialized was the grease trap. The grease trap is a component that’s mandatory for every commercial kitchen to have installed. If the facility is a small one, the grease trap or grease interceptor can be located inside. But when the facility is as big as an apartment building format of a government housing project, the grease trap has to be built and installed outside, underneath the ground. The grease trap has two types—automated and passive. The automated grease interceptor or grease trap is mechanized while the passive grease interceptor only uses gravity and the distance between the drain and the grease trap to separate the FOG(fats, oils, grease) and solid wastes from the untreated effluent.
Government housing facilities are just like food establishments because they have kitchens. Each unit in an apartment type government housing facility has a kitchen for meal preparations and for washing up the utensils, dishes, and kitchen equipment. Unfortunately, not every resident is well-versed on how to care for the building’s grease trap. They may not even be aware that there is such a thing connected to their kitchens. That is why all food scraps and grease materials are just dumped into the kitchen sink. With this kind of practice, the grease trap gets full ahead of the pump out schedule. The FOG then spills into the untreated wastewater. It travels through the sewer lines and solidifies, blocking the pathway of the untreated effluent towards the wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater and the remaining FOG back up into the surrounding environment and into the government housing facility because they have nowhere else to go anymore.
To make sure that backing up doesn’t happen at all, regular maintenance and monitoring of the grease trap should be performed. This makes you think about government housing grease trap chemicals as the ultimate solution to the FOG overflow problem. Government housing grease trap chemicals may be harsh and potent but they merely melt away or emulsify the FOG and solid waste materials in the grease trap. These compounds are not living creatures that eat the FOG and solid waste materials. They seemingly make the FOG disappear but the truth is that the FOG just melted to become easily transported by the wastewater through the sewage lines. When the FOG cools off and solidifies along the way, blockage occurs. Government housing grease trap chemicals will never provide the needed solution to proper grease trap maintenance.
If ideal cleaners are required, then the government agency that manages the housing facility should consider using bacteria in maintaining the grease trap. Bioremediation is a system that uses non-pathogenic bacteria in digesting the solid wastes and the FOG in the grease trap. Bioaugmentation is a system that makes use of a selected strain of bacteria in breaking down these accumulations. Many states recommend using bacteria in taking care of the grease trap because they are all-natural and do not contaminate the environment with chemical discharges. They also eliminate foul odors that waft through the drains.
Consider government housing grease trap chemicals as wolves in disguise. They act efficient but only mask the real process that takes place. Bacteria are naturally occurring, ancient organisms that have been breaking down organic substances since even before time. They are the only ones capable of defeating the FOG enemy that has been bothering the grease traps of government housing facilities for such a very long time. Government agencies that manage government housing facilities should invest the people’s money in something that is worth every penny—bacteria.