How long do drain fields last?

Drainfields have a limited lifespan

The biggest question I get as a septic system professional is how long do drain fields last? The usual focus of septic systems is the septic tank. There is a big reason for this because the septic tank is the receptacle for the wastewater that the household produces. It is the first step to the entire wastewater treatment. Here, the anaerobic bacteria do all the hard work … Read more

How long do septic field lines last?

The usual focus of septic systems is the septic tank. There is a big reason for this because the septic tank is the receptacle for the wastewater that the household produces. It is the first step in the process of wastewater treatment. Here, the anaerobic bacteria do all the work in breaking down the solid waste particles before the pre-treated effluent makes its way into the drain field. … Read more