What role a septic tank baffle plays in cesspools with primary tanks

What do you think of when you picture a home? A place of comfort and relaxation. A household that smells as clean as it looks. Like most homeowners that’s the picture that we paint. To achieve this, the homeowner should invest in cleaners and components that help isolate the toxic wastewater from the living environment. Unfortunately, many issues can arise, one such issue could be your septic system. One type of septic system is the cesspool with a primary tank. There is another important component to the system, it is called a baffle. More importantly what role does a septic tank baffle plays in cesspool with primary tanks? The cesspool may be an old system of wastewater treatment but it is very reliable. The cesspool is a simple structured tank that is surrounded by perforations, which distribute the clear effluent into the soil. The raw wastewater flows from the home and into the tank. It is pre-treated by the anaerobic bacteria that break down the solid waste materials. As the heavy sludge settles at the bottom of the septic tank, the pre-treated effluent passes through the tank’s Baffle and flows to the cesspit to be further treated by the anaerobic bacteria. The anaerobic bacteria also works on the biomat so it doesn’t take over the soil absorption area and clog it.

Cesspools are traditional forms of the modern septic system. These days, many homeowners resort to retaining their cesspools for practical purposes. Cesspools with primary tanks are fitted with baffles in the inlet pipes and the outlet pipe. You should know why they are there in the first place. You should know what the role a septic tank baffle plays in cesspools with primary tanks. If you know what goes on in your cesspool, then you will be able to control your wastewater treatment system. Baffles are installed in the inlet pipe and the outlet pipe. They are essentially there to help extend the lifespan of your cesspool system. Maintaining a functional cesspool will save you a lot of money because if it does fail, expensive repairs or replacements tend to burn a huge hole in your pocket.

If your cesspool has a primary tank, then baffles can be installed in it. The main function of the baffles is to make sure that solid waste particles stay inside the septic tank. The baffles keep the floatable waste from flowing back into your home or into the cesspool. These structures continuously direct the flow of wastewater towards the bottom of the cesspool. This action prevents the wastewater from flowing out of the tank too quickly. If it does, then the sediments and waste particles could freely flow into the cesspit, where it will start to clog up the soil.

Maintaining the cesspool baffles should be done by regular inspection every time you have your cesspool pumped out. The septic expert should look for signs of deterioration or rusting. If the baffles are already too used up, they could just be replaced by pipe tees. This is much more affordable than replacing the entire septic tank. You can help maintain optimal baffles by reducing the amount of water pressure or water consumption. If the water doesn’t pass through the baffles rapidly, it is more likely for the baffles to last longer. You can do this by not taking long showers, by not using the dishwasher and the washing machine simultaneously. Heavy rains could also cause the entrance of high water pressure. You could redirect your rain gutters away from your cesspool so that you won’t have any excess ground water saturation.

Cesspools are meant to make your household a lot safer. With baffles, you can be sure that your cesspool will do an optimal job for a longer period. You won’t have to worry about replacing the entire system in the near future.