Retirement home grease trap chemicals


Retirement home grease trap chemicals and their effects

Being dedicated in life will benefit you in so many ways when the right time comes. There may be promotions, a new account, a car, a new home, relocation, travel, and retirement. A man lives his life and works hard every single day to provide for his and his family’s needs. But there will be a time when he has to stop because the body and the mind cannot simply do it anymore. Yes, there may have been so much in exchange for all the time spent in the office or in the field. But there will come a time when the only thing that needs to stop is the one working. Work never stops. That is why there is a thing called retirement.

Retirement doesn’t have to be something that’s sad. It’s a brand new beginning for most people. This is the time when they get to experience life once more. The time to lounge around and pay attention to things a person becomes so busy to even think about has finally come. And to make this experience even more special, retirement homes are established to provide everything that a retiree could ever need. These days, retirement homes are like small vacation homes where the elderly could spend their days interacting with fellow retirees or enjoying sports and other leisure activities. Of course, food is an essential component of retirement homes. Sadly, it’s because of these busy kitchens that the FOG (fats, oils, grease) overflow is getting out of control.

The federal government has established the grease ordinance to ease the FOG crisis. The grease ordinance mandates the owners of establishments that produce food, such as retirement homes, to install grease traps in their areas of operation. These grease traps should be in top condition and should be issued with legal permits. Regular maintenance is also required so that FOG overflow could be minimized. If the FOG overflow is controlled, then environmental lawsuits and large fines will be avoided.

Maintenance of the grease traps needs the participation of those working in the retirement home kitchens. They should manually collect the grease and solid waste materials and place them in sealable and leak-proof containers that could then be disposed of properly with the rest of the trash. The drains of the sinks used for washing should have strainers or fine food meshes to catch the small particles of food and grease so that they won’t enter the grease trap anymore.

Retirement home grease trap chemicals and enzymes are still being used in the maintenance of grease traps. These compounds just emulsify the FOG and allow it to mix with the untreated effluent as it flows towards the wastewater treatment facility. The FOG solidifies in the pipes and sticks to its inner walls. As more FOG enters the pipes, the clogging progresses and eventually, the wastewater is blocked. Effluent backup then takes place, completely contaminating the retirement home and the surrounding areas. Retirement home grease trap chemicals and enzymes should not be used anymore. Instead, the use of bacteria should be encouraged.

Bacteria used in the processes of bioremediation and bio-augmentation are the most ideal when it comes to maintaining retirement home grease traps. They make use of non-pathogenic and specific strains of bacteria respectively to eradicate the FOG and other contaminants. Unlike chemicals and enzymes, they don’t pollute the environment when they flow into the ground water and surrounding water systems. Bacteria-based additives also eliminate the bad smells in grease traps, making the retirement homes a very sanitary place for retirees to live in.

Retirement homes should facilitate a healthy lifestyle for retirees. It is this kind of living space that they need to improve their quality of life especially if they have medical conditions to consider. Bacteria should be the primary helper in making sure that the retirement homes remain safe and sanitary for everyone living there, working there, or even just visiting loved ones for a time.