Raised mound odor control

People usually associate things with the five senses, such as hearing , touching, seeing, tasting or smelling. One of the strongest senses is the sense of smell. There are people who instantly become nostalgic when they smell certain foods or even outdoor elements. Others recall their loved ones by smelling perfumes or old items. Good and bad memories are triggered when the olfactory nerves are stimulated. The sense of smell also aids in the development of taste. Some taste the same way as they smell while others smell more different than they taste. Whatever the case may be, smells bring a lot to a person’s development, perception, and memory. At home, smells of cooking, baking, cleaning, and sanitizing are very common. Children usually grow up knowing that the home should be pleasant smelling even if there are pets moving around. The good odors that fill the house help bring about a relaxing atmosphere. But there are occasions when the house can be filled with terrible odors such as those coming from the raised mound. The raised mound is an unconventional septic system that has to be raised above the ground to help improve the filtration rate of the property’s soil type. It can either be a severely fast or severely slow filtration rate that cannot be handled by an ordinary septic system. It can be an eyesore to some homeowners but the raised mound can be made part of the landscaping if given enough details. So what options do we have as far as raised mound odor control?

Strict maintenance of the raised mound is important. Just like the conventional septic system, it should be pumped out regularly so that the solid waste that has accumulated in the tank could be removed. This will allow more space for wastewater treatment. This also prevents the clogging of the system. Pump out sessions are discussed with the septic expert in your locality so that a schedule may be established. The schedules depend on the number of people in the household. Basically, you have to talk to your septic expert about the living situation in your home. Raised mound additives should also be considered much for maintenance. Additives could either be inorganic or organic. Inorganic raise mound additives are chemicals and enzymes that are very harsh to the system. They corrode the physical parts of the raised mound and even kill off the resident bacteria. Without bacteria, the wastewater treatment system will come to a full stop. And then there are organic raised mound additives that are made up of bacteria. Bacteria are organic and all-natural microorganisms that eat away the accumulated solid waste materials in the raised mound tank. They even get to enter the soil absorption area and eliminate the solid waste materials there as well.

Another important area to maintain is the construction fabric that lines the raised mound system. It is responsible for keeping the heat inside the raised mound so that the metabolic rate of the resident bacteria could be kept high. The fabric should always be checked for any signs of deterioration. It should be replaced immediately if there are any breaks or tears especially before winter. If this is overlooked, then the raised mound will freeze over during the cold months.

Foul odors wafting from the raised mound is just one of the problems that arise if proper raised mound maintenance isn’t provided. For raised mound odor control, it would be best to used organic additives. The additional bacteria will eliminate the solid waste materials and toxic odors from the raised mound. Raised mound odors are very hazardous to health. It is imperative that these smells are eliminated to prevent respiratory ailments, asphyxiation, and systemic poisoning. Raised mound odor control is a valuable element in achieving a health living space. Bacteria based additives are the only ones that are safe for the raised mound and the surrounding environment. They won’t even contaminate the clean water supply or harm the septic experts that apply it. Talk to your septic professional about regular raised mound treatments of bacteria based additives and how to eliminate future problems with your system.