Hospital grease trap prevention

How can hospital grease trap prevention help you? Having good health is very important for everyone to achieve. Health in all aspects of life including physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual. There are even times when being in your home, school, or work may get the best of you and weaken your immune system. Some people cannot adapt quickly enough and in result, they may become sick. If cannot recovery from your illness within your own home with the care of your loved ones, then a hospital may be needed. Hospitals are facilities fully-equipped with the latest medications and machines that could improve treatments and accelerate healing.

Hospitals tend to have all of the things needed to become better in life. Beautiful landscaping, excellent personalized service, delicious food, and psychological support. Sometimes people have to have long stays at hospitals for numerous reasons. Fortunately when they leave the facility, they are like newly born people because of the care and rest that they had. Aside from providing thorough checkups to people. Hospital are immediate venues to seek cures to complicated medical conditions. Surgery, chemotherapy, dialysis, and radiotherapy are only some of the treatments that hospitals offer. Of course, nutrition is also an important aspect of being treated in a hospital. Healing is much more enhanced with the right combination of foods.

All the multiple services that hospitals provide make it a major asset to the United States. But it’s the multiple services that make it a major cause of FOG (fats, oils, grease) overflow as well. The FOG crisis is currently one of the toughest environmental problems in the country. Hospitals dump more and more FOG and solid wastes that get into the wastewater treatment facilities. Because of this, the federal government has created the grease or pretreatment ordinance that requires hospitals to have grease traps installed in their premises to take care of the FOG. The grease trap should be issued a legal permit. It should be regularly inspected and maintained so that it can be maximized and really function as it’s meant to.

Prevention is the advocacy of hospitals. If there is a way to prevent diseases, they would rather have their patients do it than have them undergo the tedious process of treatment and recovery. It’s the same thing with the grease traps that hospitals have. Hospital grease trap prevention is a sure way of preventing FOG overflow and the consequences that come with it. The grease trap prevention should be started by the hospital staff particularly those in the surgery and kitchen departments. They should place the grease materials into vessels that can be sealed up tight and thrown with the rest of the trash. The drains should also have meshes or strainers that could catch the grease materials and solid wastes before they enter the grease trap. This practice could prevent FOG overflow if done religiously.

Using an effective grease trap cleaner is also ideal in hospital grease trap prevention. In selecting such a product, chemicals and enzymes should not be included in the list. These compounds just emulsify the dreaded FOG and make them appear to have been instantly dissolved. What actually happens is that the FOG is just emulsified and mixed with the wastewater. But when it enters the pipes, it cools down and solidifies. It then sticks to the pipe walls like super glue or cement. As more FOG enters the pipe lines, the untreated effluent gets completely blocked. This then results to backing up of the wastewater into the hospital and the surrounding environment. Chemicals and enzymes basically just make things a lot worse. They only cost hospital administrations a lot of cleaning bills, irritating lawsuits, and large fines.

Bacteria should be used in hospital grease trap prevention. They are chemical free so they don’t pollute the environment. They consume the FOG and solid wastes while eliminating the foul odors as well. Having bacteria convert all contaminants into less detrimental forms is absolutely the best decision that any hospital administration could make.