Large facilities such as office complexes are also large contributors to the FOG problem that is now overwhelming the US. Fog (fats, oils, grease) is the major cause of environmental problems within each state. Federal and private budgets are already being exhausted to pay for office complex grease trap cleaning. More often then not, large fines are brought about by excessive FOG that enters the wastewater treatment systems.
In an office complex, several offices combine and therefore several of their facilities are also found inside a single building. Hundreds or thousands of employees spend almost all their waking hours at work so the office administrators thought of combining everything that the employees need in one infrastructure to save them time in acquiring all their needs. The main offices that each other every day, are also put together to improve the level of effective communication and to strengthen the bonds within each department. What more could employees ask for if they could eat, sleep, get fit, get entertained, and connect easily at work? It would cost the even less to have it all done in the office because they won’t have to spend that much on gas to get to various places.
In one office complex a single large kitchen and mess hall can be found. The mess hall is where meals are given and because of the shifting schedules, the kitchen should be able to supply meals every hour of every day, every single week. Because of this, the amount of FOG and solid waste materials increases dramatically. If left unmonitored, the FOG could overflow and get into the sewer lines. When the FOG solidifies in the wastewater lines, blockage will occur. This results to backups in wastewater. The sinks, drains, and toilets in the office complex get saturated by untreated wastewater and disarming odors that usually result to major health issues.
The surrounding environment also suffers from an unmaintained office complex grease trap. The FOG and wastewater overflow into the streams, rivers, ponds, or lakes around the office complex. The chemicals and pathogens contaminate the water and kill the living organisms. The clean water supply also gets contaminated and even greater health problems arise.
Office complex grease trap cleaning has to be performed effectively. It should also be done frequently to make sure that the FOG and the solid wastes do not accumulate quickly and overflow into the wastewater. Monitoring of the FOG level should also be done so that the grease trap can be pumped out and cleaned immediately. The contents of the grease trap are usually shoveled, vacuumed, and scraped off. To reinforce this practice, bioremediation is recommended by the Plumbing & Drainage Institute.
Bioremediation is the process of using non-pathogenic or friendly bacteria in cleaning the grease trap. The bacteria added in aggressively digest the solid wastes and FOG while eliminating the bad odors.
The bacteria used in bioremediation come in various forms. There are liquid bacteria that can just be poured into drains. The liquid bacteria will immediately flow into the grease trap to treat it. Powdered bacteria are also available. Many institutions prefer this form because it is easy to order, ship, and store. There are also bacteria pumps that give bacteria by the dose with time intervals. The bacteria blocks are literally blocks of bacteria that are tied up and suspended in the grease trap until they completely dissolve. Using bacteria in office complex grease trap cleaning is the best way to make sure that FOG overflow is prevented.
Using friendly bacteria in office complex grease trap cleaning is most ideal. They are naturally-occurring so there are no chemical contaminants to dangerously affect the environment. Bacteria are the most ancient organisms on the planet yet they help man even in highly technological times. It can really be surprising to realize that bacteria will b able to help office complex administrators avoid huge fines, lawsuits, environmental damages, and health issues all at the same time.