Outdoor septic problems and odors can ruin a wonderful day and can seriously tarnish the relationships you have with even the friendliest neighbors. The following covers the most common causes of outdoor septic problems and will assist you in detecting early trouble signs.
Its is estimated that 5 to 7 percent of all septic systems in the United States fail each year due to a bio mat accumulation and clogging of the drain field. It is commonly recognized by professionals that anti bacterial hand soaps, household cleaning chemicals and excessive amounts of water contribute to the dilution and elimination of beneficial bacteria in the septic systems. Beneficial bacteria (coli form bacteria) are essential in the digestion process of solid waste generated by the home. Beneficial bacteria is produced by the human body breaking down the solids waste into effluent before it drains out into the drain field where it will leach into the ground returning to the water table. When the digestion process is compromised due to a lack of bacteria in the system, solid waste buildup will create septic problems and odors.
There is several ways to recognize outdoor septic problems and odors. For example, green lush grass over the septic tank and drain field are all indicative of a failing system. The lush green grass is a result of the inability of the septic system to drain forcing digested waste water or effluent to the surface fertilizing the area. Wet spots and puddling areas are also dead giveaway’s that you might have some issues with the system.
Erosion caused by liquid seepage or soil compaction can help encourage a systems drain field or lateral line to prematurely fail. Correcting any depressions or even slightly mounding uniform areas above your lines can help increase performance by 10 to 20 percent in some cases.
Outside sewage odors and septic smells are a sure sign your system is experiencing difficulty. Healthy septic systems do not typically produce odors or build up enough pressure to allow these odors to escape. Systems that are producing odors are usually experiencing high internal pressure buildup due to improper digestion and should be inspected and corrected immediately.
Raw sewage in your yard is a clear sign that your system is malfunctioning. A pump-out can help temporarily, while you attempt to permanently eradicate the problem through bacterial remediation.
If you have a septic system in your yard that is experiencing any of these issues, remember these tips and be sure to act quickly when something goes wrong. The sooner you address outdoor septic problems and odors, the better your chances of correcting the issue properly and at a lower cost than the later.