How much do New or Replacement Septic’s Cost

Your septic professional just broke the news to you. Your septic system has failed and needs to be replaced immediately. How could this be, you ask? Well, this is not supposed to be an “I told you so” moment but you have to realize that it is more of a combination of what you did and didn’t do that brought about this terrible crisis. For years, you have never even taken a peek at your septic system. You were one of those who utterly believed that the septic system works all by itself and maintains itself. Too bad you proved yourself wrong the hard way. Having your septic system replaced is a very expensive and laborious endeavor. But, how much do new or replacement septic’s cost?

If your septic system has failed, then better get ready to pay anywhere from $4,000 to $40,000 and this would depend on your situation. Your new septic system depends on the ground layout, the amount of rocks in the soil, and the cost of labor. The actual area where you live in could also affect the cost of the new septic system. If the soil in your property is very hard to excavate, then it would cost you much more. Those advanced systems like aerobic systems, raised mounds, and sand filters are much more expensive to build and install. When the plumbing is complex, the advanced level of engineering and the groundwater is high.

Do-It-Yourself guides are also available these days. If you want to save on professional service fees, just make sure that you follow instructions well. The septic tank costs between $500 – $1,800 and this could accommodate three hundred to a thousand gallons. The other items that you need would cost a total of $200 at most. There are internet guides like and to help you in your step by step effort to install a new septic tank for your home.

The cost of a replacement septic system doesn’t end with the materials that you need for the job. You should set aside an amount of about $250 – $1,000 or more for a building permit. All septic systems need a permit that will depend on the design and the site of installation. You could consult the planning department and enforcement officers for application forms and details that you need. Also check out the websites for the enforcement of state codes so that you may be updated with the regulations and fees in your municipality. Also consider the plants that are to be removed when you new septic system is installed. This is another cost to be prepared for.

Thinking of hiring a professional or a contractor to do the job for you could cost you more than you could imagine. The services will include pumping, removal of wastes, inspection, and the installation of the septic tank. It is more practical to hire someone knowledgeable of the codes and regulations so that everything would be done smoothly. The septic professional would also have to take note of the distance between the wetland and your home, the requirements for the permit, the devices that discharge on your property, and the distance between the septic area and your home. All these will add on to the total cost of the installation.

Making sure that your keep your septic system running smoothly would’ve been much more affordable for you but hind sight is 20/20 of course. Making use of a lint filter for your washing machine whenever you use it would help your septic system run properly. Also, it is better to have small loads of dishes and laundry done during the week than to just do them all in one day. You should also make sure that you clean your septic tank regularly and maintain it with a potent bacteria additive.

Yes, you may have to replace your septic system now and if it is damaged beyond potential remediation through chemicals, you must accept that it is not going to repair itself. But, once you have a new one installed, learn from your past mistakes. Give proper care and maintenance to your new septic system to save you another large dent on your bank account.