How to Restore leach field system drainage

It can really be devastating to wake up one morning only to find out that your drain field leach system is pooling and spewing smelly wastewater into your yard. You know that you just had the system pumped a few days ago. But now, you cannot take a shower or wash your face in the sink because somehow, there is something wrong with your leach field system again.

One of the more difficult problems that you could experience in your septic system is when your leach field gets clogged with bio-mat. The leach field system is the second most important part of the wastewater treatment in your home. It is the final stop wherein the effluent is supposed to be purified for the surrounding soil. You may think that there is something wrong with your septic system when the tank is not working well. The leach field system is as equally critical as the septic tank. The only thing that you could do to prevent the replacement of your entire septic system is to restore the leach field area with beneficial bacteria.

There are various stages that you have to take note of when the leach field fails. First, the clay component in your leach field binds with the sodium that your household cleaning products have. They form hard blockages that prevent the leach field from efficiently draining the effluent in the soil.

Restoration of the leach field should then be performed in a systematic way to insure that the systems recovery. The septic professional will pump out your leach field septic system, including the distribution box. The distribution box typically has a bio-mat buildup and should be cleared out. Then, about four gallons of septic shock bacteria will be poured into the distribution box and leach field. One gallon is usually applied to the sinks and drains around the house. The last step is waiting one to three weeks for the solution to really penetrate the leach field digesting solids and bio-mat.

You should remember that merely aerating the entire system does not eliminate the sodium accumulation from the soil. Aeration systems can cost up to $1,500 USD and should be backed up by electricity at all times. Be warned that the toxic fumes inside the septic tank can be detrimental to one’s health.

The leach field restoration is a very costly thing to do. As with any ailment, prevention is better than cure. If you really want to save money and lengthen the lifespan of your septic tank and leach field, then adhere to the maintenance practices and schedules. Be responsible and mindful of how you use your water and drains. As much as possible, lessen your water consumption by only using what you really need. Eliminate all anti-bacterial soaps and detergents. You should also make it a point to use more efficient drain filters to keep hair, soap scum, tissue fibers, and other solid wastes that you could potentially clog drains and pipes. Even the smallest effort can make all the difference if you want a long lasting leach field and an enduring septic system.