Causes slow draining sand mounds

Everything in life tends to get more complicated if you let it. The most valuable lesson in life is to keep things simple. If things seem too overwhelming for you, just breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. This will help you relax and go back to you normal activities. Stress serves as a barrier for growth and exploration. It keeps you from enjoying what you have. You just have to take time to remove all that the toxins in your system. Aside from breathing techniques, you could also try acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, meditation, and massage. All these methods allow your body to let go of all the stress that occurs. After a few hours, you will absolutely feel rejuvenated and ready to face the busy world again. 

Every living creatures experience stress, so do machines and other objects that you use everyday. For example is your everyday pair of shoes. The soles take on the friction between your feet and the pavement. Eventually, it reveals wear and tear that tells you it’s time to have it repaired or even replaced. In your home, the sand mound system also experiences stress. It is considered a complicated but effective form of wastewater treatment, sometimes it may need more care than the average septic. The sand mound also experiences the same problems as an ordinary septic such as slow draining.

If you haven’t figured out what causes slow draining sand mounds, it would be best to have a septic expert look at your sand mound system. There are many causes of slow draining sand mounds. You may not be even aware of some of them.

Inside your house, habits are formed. You may not know it but the simple pouring of household, toilet, and drain cleaners into your toilets and drains causes slow draining sand mounds. This is because these cleaners have harsh acids and bases that corrode the physical components of the sand mound and even kill the resident bacteria that digest the solid waste products. Another habit is treating the drains and toilets as trash bins. Oils, noon-biodegradable materials, and grease cannot be digested by bacteria. They just occupy the sand mound tank and clog the entire system. The habit of making your sand mound area a playground, a gazebo, or a parking lot also brings problems. The heavy weight of the construction projects and vehicles causes soil compaction that crushes the components of the sand mound. 

Gardening is a great hobby but if you have incorporated your sand mound into it, you have to get ready for the negative effects. The trees and hardwood plants that are placed over or around the sand mound have invasive, complex root systems that penetrate deep into the system to get water and nutrients. As the roots explore, they create gaps and cracks in the sand m0unds, blocking and even damaging the wastewater treatment system. Increased water load brought about by the habit of using the washing machine and the dishwasher at the same time also causes slow draining sand mounds. Heavy rains also contribute to this problem. The sudden rush of water, fluids, and sediments stir up the solid waste particles, clogging the entire system. If it’s winter and the construction fabric that lines the sand mound isn’t checked and replaced, then expect the sand mound to freeze over and fail after a series of malfunctions.

The septic expert will be able to repair or replace any damages. But to permanently correct the situation, discipline and regular application of bacteria-based additives are ordered. Bacteria will make sure that the solid waste particles will never have the chance to accumulate that much. Whatever causes slow draining sand mounds will surely be removed with the help of Nature’s organic plumber—non-pathogenic bacteria.