How Long Do Lateral Lines Last?

Discussing issues about the septic system can be a bit confusing and complicated to anyone who is not interested and or fairly disgusted with the subject matter. It is not a topic that is seen as a regular interest for most people. If septic systems were to be discussed, it is only when the system itself is causing problems or when water or sludge begins leaking from … Read more

Do Water Softeners Harm Septic Tanks?

You have to be kidding! This is the third time you have gone to the grocery for soap and shampoo in just a month. This is because of the hard water that your household uses, right? Why not install a water softening system in your home system? That’s right. You have thought about it before but you were apprehensive because you have been hearing so many horror … Read more

Can Tree Roots Block or Clog Lateral Lines?

Finally, the construction of your home is taking place. You have waited for years to get the perfect place and the perfect time to get it started. Your work has been very demanding for the past months. The schedule you had didn’t allow you to set your plan into motion. You were only fortunate to have a month’s break from it all to get the ball rolling, … Read more

Septic System Odor Control Techniques

Septic system odor is very irritating and unbearable. It has long been a problem of so many homeowners, especially those with septic tanks of obsolete or substandard design. The odors become stronger as the septic tank becomes full or if pressure begins due to slow drainage. Many of the septic systems installed prior to 1935 were very poorly made and, without proper care, gave out terrible toxic … Read more

Do automatic dishwashers harm septic systems?

Household chores are really what they are—chores. They take time and if you don’t get any kind of help, you end up spending your entire day maintaining order and cleanliness and not have spare time for yourself and for your family. This is why there’s a continuous flow of innovative appliances that aim to make your life easier. While some of these newer technologies are effective and … Read more

How much do New or Replacement Septic’s Cost

Your septic professional just broke the news to you. Your septic system has failed and needs to be replaced immediately. How could this be, you ask? Well, this is not supposed to be an “I told you so” moment but you have to realize that it is more of a combination of what you did and didn’t do that brought about this terrible crisis. For years, you … Read more

Do organic cesspit cleaners work?

Your cesspit is a living organism that thrives under your home and it is intended to be part of the well-oiled machine that is your household’s waste processor. Yes, it is your own personal wastewater treatment facility. How cool is that? But even if you have the privilege of having your own water recycling plant, you should still take note that you have to do your part … Read more

How Deep Below the Surface is My Distribution Box Lid?

You not only own a home but don’t forget, you may also own a septic system. The moment you stepped in and settled into your new home, the feeling is overwhelming. Finally, you have spent your money on something that will last for generations to come. Yet in the midst of your house warming, you should not forget that there is a living organism underneath your house … Read more

When Buying a New Home, Don’t Forget Your Septic Inspection

Being a realtor, you have always enjoyed going out and shopping for houses. It gave you the opportunity to choose from a vast collection of properties that appeal to you. When looking into a new property on the market. No.. When buying a new home, don’t forget your septic inspection. That was the advise given to you from your boss. You should know better than to just sign the house’s paperwork and not … Read more

Leaking Leach Field

Leach fields of your septic tank should always be clear of roots and bio-mat to drain properly. Smooth drainage will prevent the backing up, or leaking of the liquid and solid wastes into your yard or right into your home. It is already known that there are cleaning products that are detrimental to the environment and the same holds true for septic systems since they too have … Read more